What Do You Need to Know about Gas Struts?

If you've ever opened a lid or door with effortless ease, chances are you were using a gas strut. Also known as gas springs and gas shocks, these handy devices are used in many different everyday applications. But how do they work?

The Anatomy of a Gas Strut

A gas strut is composed of two primary components – a cylinder and a piston rod. The cylinder contains pressurised nitrogen gas and oil, while the piston rod is usually made from stainless steel or chrome-plated steel. Attached to each end of the cylinder is some form of mounting hardware that allows it to be connected to the surfaces it needs to act upon. The pressure inside the cylinder is what creates the force necessary for operation.

How Does the Strut Work?

When mounted correctly, a force is applied to one end of the piston rod, which compresses the gas inside the cylinder. This causes an increase in pressure which creates resistance against movement at this end while simultaneously creating assistance at the other end due to Newton's third law. This says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So when pressure is increased at one end, an equal amount of force is created at the other end pushing outwards. This outward-pushing force then acts on whatever surface it connects to, resulting in smooth opening/closing movements and allowing heavy objects to be moved with minimal effort.

Types of Gas Struts

The type of gas strut used depends on its application. There are several varieties designed for specific tasks, such as holding open doors, lifting heavier items or providing resistance during closure. For example, if you need something that offers extra lift when opening up a heavy access door in an industrial application, you would use an assisted lift type. Alternatively, dampers are best suited if you need something to provide resistance against a strong force. These may allow you to operate that process smoothly and efficiently while protecting workers from violent movements.

What to Remember

Gas struts have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their versatility and easy application across many scenarios. Whether you're looking for something that locks into place, assists with lifting heavier items or provides dampening effects during closure actions, you will probably find a type of gas strut to suit your needs. For extra information and to make sure that you find something that is perfect for your scenario, contact a company that manufactures or provides gas struts for industrial applications.
